Gerhard Gleixner successful at mega march through Middle Franconia!
Steadfastness and tenacity, but above all the ability to overcome the odd dry spell when it comes to achieving one’s own goals on time: This is what distinguishes the company LK Metallwaren and its employees.
The goal that our Purchasing Manager Gerhard Gleixner had set for November 5 on the occasion of the Nuremberg Megamarsch 2022 immediately seemed endlessly far away: Fifty kilometers were to be covered on a circular route through the Franconian metropolis in a period of less than twelve hours – on foot, mind you.
Gerhard Gleixner – at 58 years of age fitter than his sneakers – left no doubt at any time that he would complete the course on time to be back home in time for shopping.
In the end, he even made it under the magic ten-hour barrier during his forced march. The reward: certificate and medal he finally accepted in the certainty that his circulation can withstand even strenuous circle runs like this without any problems.
PS: LK Metallwaren managing director Jochen Haberkorn was absent this year, but announced on the occasion of Gerhard Gleixner’s silver company anniversary next year that he would follow closely on his heels on the 50 km course.