Bernd Tölle und Maik Hamann mit Ihren Ehrenurkunden zur Aufnahme in den „Fünfundzwanziger-Club“ - auch wir gratulieren an dieser Stelle noch einmal ganz herzlich!

Welcome to the “Club of twenty-five”!

Functioning teamwork, where everyone is committed to their colleagues during work. Responsibility that each is willing to take for the other as well. In addition, on occasions after work, they have a lot of fun together: this is roughly how the phenomenon “LK Metallwaren Weißandt-Gölzau” can be described.

15 employees currently work together in the branch offices, which were founded in 1991. Probably unique in the working environment of the industry: seven of them, i.e. almost half of the workforce, now have 25 years or more of service “under their belt”.

And the “club of twenty-five” is growing…

Most recently, Christian Ziegler was honored on the occasion of his “silver wedding anniversary” with his company. As an assembler always on the road for professional reasons, he was honored for this at the main LK Metallwaren site in Schwabach. Just a few months earlier, in September 2022, employees five and six had celebrated their induction into the “twenty-five club”: Bernd Tölle and Maik Hamann were the honorees at that time.

The reward for so much loyalty: issuance of a certificate of honor and award of a medal by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as a gratuity from the esteemed employer. Here, too, it is clear how great the importance is that LK Metallwaren attaches to the bond with its own company: In all the honors of the past months, Managing Director Jochen Haberkorn personally held the small but fine speech of thanks. Also on board the well-wishers were our deputy works councilor Dana Knitter and the branch manager Karsten Wengel!
